


Safety and Environment

Keeping all operational processes under control

Iscot has developed its operating model into an Integrated System (Quality, Environment and Safety) structured in such a way as to keep all operational processes affecting service quality under control, with a view to continuous improvement and customer orientation.

Safety and Environment

Keeping all operational processes under control

Iscot has developed its operating model into an Integrated System (Quality, Environment and Safety) structured in such a way as to keep all operational processes affecting service quality under control, with a view to continuous improvement and customer orientation.

Integrated corporate policy

Our Policy for Quality, Safety, Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Social Accountability.

Integrated corporate policy

Our Policy for Quality, Safety, Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Social Accountability.

Certifications and registers

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001 – compliant quality management system

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001 – compliant environmental management system

ISO 45001:2018

ISO 45001 – compliant occupational health and safety management system


Organisational model pursuant to Leg. Decree 231/2001

Social Accountability 8000

National Register of Waste
Disposal Management Providers

National Register of Waste Disposal Management Providers – Category 8C

EU Ecolabel

EU Ecolabel Certification – Iscot Green Division

Certifications and registers

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001 – compliant quality management system

UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001 – compliant environmental management system

ISO 45001:2018

ISO 45001 – compliant occupational health and safety management system


Organisational model pursuant to Leg. Decree 231/2001


Social Accountability 8000

National Register of Waste Disposal Management Providers

National Register of Waste Disposal Management Providers – Category 8C

EU Ecolabel

EU Ecolabel Certification – Iscot Green Division

In addition to everything set out in our Sustainability Policy, we also adhere to the Confindustria Charter of Principles for Environmental Sustainability and support and foster its values and aims.

  • Achievement of environmental sustainability goals in the short, medium and long term:
    We consider environmental protection to be an integral part of our business and growth process.
  • Adopting a preventive approach:
    We assess the impact of our activities and services in order to manage their environmental aspects with a preventive approach and promote the use of the best available technologies.
  • Efficient use of natural resources:
    We advocate the efficient use of natural resources, with a focus on the rational management of water and energy resources.
  • Centrality of innovative technologies:
    We invest in research, development and innovation in order to develop processes, products and services that have increasingly less environmental impact.
  • Responsible management of the service:
    We promote responsible management of our services throughout their life cycle to improve their performance and reduce their impact on the environment.
  • Responsible supply chain management:
    We foster environmental protection in our production chain management, involving suppliers, customers and stakeholders as actors in our sustainability policy.
  • Awareness-raising and training:
    We provide information, awareness and training initiatives in order to involve the organisation in the implementation of our environmental policy.
  • Transparency in relations with all stakeholders:
    We promote transparent relations with all stakeholders in order to pursue shared environmental policies.
  • Consistency in international business activities:
    We operate consistently with these principles in all countries where we do business.
Environmental standards


The EU ECOLABEL is a European environmental label of excellence awarded by an independent body to products and services that meet high environmental standards throughout their life cycle, also taking into account the products’ lifespan, recyclability, packaging reduction and environmental sustainability.

The EU ECOLABEL label promotes the circular economy by encouraging manufacturers to generate less waste and CO2 emissions throughout the production process. The criteria of the ecolabel provide strict guidelines for companies seeking to reduce their environmental impact and ensure the efficiency of their actions through third-party audits.

Iscot Italia S.p.A. has obtained the important EU ECOLABEL certification for ‘indoor cleaning services’, identified with the ISCOT GREEN DIVISION brand, created to recognise and enhance ‘green services with reduced environmental impact’, which we develop and deliver.


Iscot Green Division

environmental sustainability at the heart of our policies

Iscot Italia S.p.A. has placed environmental sustainability at the heart of its policies and strategies for developing its services. It proposes eco-sustainable actions and solutions with low environmental impact and helps customers achieve their sustainability and environmental protection goals, providing a virtuous path of change and continuous improvement for the benefit of the entire community.


  • Ecolabel-certified chemicals;
  • Ecolabel-certified environmentally friendly or recyclable materials;
  • Equipment and vehicles with low CO2 emissions;
  • Working methods that reduce chemical agents and limit waste;
  • Energy solutions from renewable sources;
  • Working methods with dosing systems to reduce water consumption;
  • Separate waste collection systems.
Iscot Green Division

environmental sustainability at the heart of our policies

Iscot Italia S.p.A. has placed environmental sustainability at the heart of its policies and strategies for developing its services. It proposes eco-sustainable actions and solutions with low environmental impact and helps customers achieve their sustainability and environmental protection goals, providing a virtuous path of change and continuous improvement for the benefit of the entire community.


  • Ecolabel-certified chemicals;
  • Ecolabel-certified environmentally friendly or recyclable materials;
  • Equipment and vehicles with low CO2 emissions;
  • Working methods that reduce chemical agents and limit waste;
  • Energy solutions from renewable sources;
  • Working methods with dosing systems to reduce water consumption;
  • Separate waste collection systems.

Iscot Italia SpA ha intrapreso il percorso di certificazione per lo standard SA8000 che prevediamo di completare entro il 2024.

La norma SA8000 è uno standard ufficiale in materia di Responsabilità Sociale, basato sulle convenzioni ILO (Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro), sulla Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani, sulla Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui Diritti del Bambino e sulla Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite per eliminare tutte le forme di Discriminazione contro le donne.

Il sistema di gestione SA8000 è uno standard volontario, verificabile attraverso audit di terza parte, che definisce i requisiti che devono essere soddisfatti dalla Società, inclusi il riconoscimento o il miglioramento dei diritti dei lavoratori, le condizioni del luogo di lavoro ed un sistema di gestione efficace.
La norma considera i principi secondo i quali la Società opera tutelando i lavoratori coinvolti direttamente o indirettamente nella filiera produttiva, considerando anche i dipendenti dei fornitori e i collaboratori esterni che coadiuvano nelle attività. Iscot italia SpA si attiene alla norma SA8000:2014, che secondo i principi della certificazione Etica, osserva le leggi nazionali ed internazionali in materia di lavoro, diritti civili e tutela dei minori.

Iscot Italia SpA rispetta da tempo i requisiti normativi fondamentali qui di seguito sintetizzati: NO al lavoro minorile; NO al lavoro obbligato; SÌ ai luoghi di lavoro sicuri e salubri; SÌ alla libertà di associazione; NO alle discriminazioni; NO alle punizioni fisiche e psicologiche; SÌ ad orari regolamentati; SÌ ad una giusta retribuzione; SÌ al miglioramento del sistema di gestione.

Iscot Italia SpA has embarked on the path to SA8000 standard certification, which we expect to complete by 2024.

SA8000 is an official standard for Social Accountability, based on the ILO (International Labour Organisation) conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the UN Convention to Eliminate all Forms of Discrimination against Women.

The SA8000 management system is a voluntary standard, verifiable through third-party audits, which defines the requirements to be met by the company, including the recognition or improvement of workers’ rights, workplace conditions and an effective management system.
The standard considers the principles according to which the Company operates, protecting the workers involved directly or indirectly in the production chain, and also considering the employees of suppliers and external collaborators who assist in the activities. Iscot italia SpA complies with the SA8000:2014 standard which, according to the principles of Ethics certification, observes national and international laws on labour, civil rights and the protection of minors.

Iscot Italia SpA has long complied with the basic regulatory requirements summarised below: NO to child labour; NO to forced labour; YES to safe and healthy workplaces; YES to freedom of association; NO to discrimination; NO to physical and psychological punishment; YES to regulated working hours; YES to fair pay; YES to improved management system.