Education and innovation

Iscot Training Center

The Iscot Training Center is our center for skills training and education, the foundation on which we build the quality of service we offer our customers. All of our managers attend training courses focused on developing their professional qualities and increasing their technical knowledge.

The Iscot Training Center is founded on the principle of Continuous Improvement

  • Engagement: Developing the ability to engage personnel and motivate them to achieve anticipated outcomes.
  • Execution: Focusing our staff’s efforts towards the defining, delegating, planning and monitoring of operations.
  • Qualità: Teaching our personnel to pay attention to every element of the contracts we enter into with our customers, so as to achieve excellent outcomes.
  • Cost management:Providing our personnel with the ability to evaluate the impact of actions and decisions on productivity and costs.

There are three elements behind our performance:

  • Knowing how to do our job: ongoing training
  • Being able to do our job: efficient organisation
  • The desire to do our job: individual and team motivation

These are the traits we nurture at the Iscot Training Center.

Applied research

Today, more than ever before, the industrial services sector has found itself facing innovations of such scope as to change its very nature.

The challenges of automation, of robotics, and of the digitisation of services, are forcing our sector to move quickly to keep pace with these changes, so as to reap their benefits rather than simply being overtaken by the wave of the future.

For a number of years now, Iscot has been devoting human and material resources to researching and implementing innovative ways and means of providing technical services: from the use of mechatronic solutions for technical cleaning processes to the introduction of automated paint removal, we are thrilled at the opportunities presented by technological innovation, and we are convinced that all of this can only lead to great benefits for our customers.